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Wiang Haeng

Wiang Haeng

Wiang Haeng is located in the northern area of the Chiang Mai province.

It’s a tiny, sleepy market town nestled in the heart of the picturesque Taeng Valley, with the Burmese border on the north and Mae Hong Son to the south.

Wiang Haeng Accommodation, Hotels, Resorts & Attractions, Chiang Mai

It is one of Chiang Mai’s most remote locations, but its significance to the local community because it serves an important administrative role. Tourists willing to travel the distance will be rewarded with unique and interesting attractions found throughout the area.

However, with the tourism industry here at its infancy, don’t expect luxurious hotels. There are many choices for budget homestays and basic hotels, especially in Piang Luang if you’d like to spend some time here to immerse yourself in the area. The rugged mountains covered in dense forests make for some of the most thrilling mountain-biking trails this side of the country.

The town centre is so small that it only has one major street running through it. So whether you’re looking for a local restaurant, shop, or 24-hour convenience store, you’ll find it in no time. Stop by nearby Piang Luang, which is also worthy of an overnight stay. Here you can see what life is like in a small, traditional Thai town where most women are still clothed in sarongs. The surroundings are lovely and picturesque; dotted with traditional teak homes and buildings, as well as the occasional Yunnanese Chinese home.

Wat Fa Wiang In may not be the grandest of temples, but it has rich historical significance for Wiang Haeng. A rather unusual feature is that the Thailand-Burma border runs through the temple, literally, so it could belong to either country. The temple was built late in the 1960s when the Shan and Burmese were fighting for autonomy. Its Shan-style chedi is somewhat unique, and the viewpoint will reward you with spectacular views.

About the author

Michael Jones

Michael created and runs the Chiang Mai Travel Hub website, as well as the Holiday Point travel brand that incorporates a network of 16 location based travel information and attraction websites around Australia, Asia, and around the world.

With 25+ years of online experience and a passion for travel (having lived in Chiang Mai for several years and has since visited several times), Michael not only researches and writes content for the website, he also tinkers behind the scenes with the website functionality & design.

Please reach out if you have any questions or suggestions.

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